Introduction (I.Q.A.C.)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (I.Q.A.C.)

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in the year 2005 as per the guidelines of UGC, New Delhi and NAAC, Bangalore. This cell works for planning, guiding and monitoring quality assurance and quality enhancement and activities of the college. IQAC provides the information to the Institution regarding teaching and research of the faculties and students. The cell discusses and guides the teachers and office members to internalize the quality culture copping up with the UGC norms.

IQAC also Mediates between students and teachers. This cell sends the annual reports of the data of performances done by the teachers and activities organized by the institution to the NAAC, Bangalore. This cell plays an important role as a catalytic agent to create academic and research culture in the college. The cell meets regularly and receives reports from various departments, committees, office and faculty members of the college.


Sr. No. Name Designation
01 Dr. Dnyaneshwar. S. Suryawanshi Chairman
02 C.A Mohanbhai K. Chhajed Management Representative Member
03 Asst. Prof. Madhukar Wankhede Coordinator
04 Dr. Sarjerao G. Golde Teacher Member
05 Librarian Yogesh N. Patil Teacher Member
06 Mr. K. B. Patil Technical Staff
07 Mr. Rahul A. Wagh Administrative Staff
08 Dr. Kiran Moghe Alumnus Member